Predictive Preloading

Automatically preload what users need next

Speed Kit's predictive preloading technology anticipates user navigation and ensures that essential content and pages are ready the moment your customers click.

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"Speed Kit has delivered a clearly noticeable performance increase for our online shop."

Lars Mehler, VP Platform Management


Provide instant navigations for seamless experiences

Instant navigations improve the overall user experience, reduce the bounce rate through faster responsiveness, and increase conversion rates.


Machine learning on real-user sessions

We include millions of real-user sessions, over 50 user dimensions for segmentation, and link visibility in viewports, hovers, and cursor positions.


Zero negative impact on your infrastructure

Speed Kit’s innovative predictive preloading technology causes zero additional requests, costs, tracking issues, or other negative side effects.


Book a free website speed check

We analyze your website speed, identify web vitals issues, and compare your competitors.

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